These are additions to the game that can add tons of engagement and narrative opportunity, by expanding the ways how two players and their forces interact.
Mixing these formats with each other along the course of a campaign is really what brings the whole Warhammer experience to life.
And in my belief, this is the way the developers meant it. After all, they gave most of these to us for a pittance, in small rules supplements, White Dwarf articles or free pages in their website (yes, there was such a time).
Warhammer Scenario Generator
Designed by storytelling maestro Gav Thorpe, you can use this gem of a supplement to replace any basic-mission scenarios your Core rulebook may have, and generate random scenarios, with different types of deployment, objective and random events. Furthermore, you can choose to allocate units to a vanguard or rearguard position in the force, which also affects their deployment.
In advanced mode, the generator turns into a Strategy generator, where the type of units you pick and the approach strategy you choose affect the advantage you can get over your opponent, to dictate the terms of battle.
Endless fun with so many more tactical options open, finally putting you in the shoes of a proper military general directing the stage before the fight.
Warhammer Fantasy Skirmish

The Skirmish ruleset first appeared within the Core Warhammer Rulebook for 6th edition (together with Siege rules).
The rules adapt the Core ruleset of Warhammer Fantasy to a skirmish format, where models move independently instead of as a unit.
Normally ~20 models per side (more in some scenarios), the game style is heavy with narrative scenarios, some character-driven (team of slayers on a quest, Empire explorers raiding a Khemrian tomb, etc), others more reminiscent of military missions (infiltrate, attack the supply train, raid the village, etc).
The rules are very similar (almost the same) as Mordheim (climbing, jumping, Rout tests, Injury and knocked down/stunned, etc), but use all the statistics and weapon/ability profiles listed in the Army Books instead, as well as special rules. This allows you to skip the warband construction step normally present in Mordheim, and field units straight from a military force (chariots, cannons, etc). Furthermore, most missions present suggestions on how to integrate them with larger warhammer games, where the outcome of the skirmish affects the large battle afterwards.
(The format of the PDF is not the best, as it was taken straight from the old Games Workshop website, before they took down all the helpful articles and became purely an online store. But it contains dozens upon dozens of scenarios)
Warhammer Fantasy Siege mini-campaign

A supplement to the General's Compendium (6th Edition, but mostly compatible with 8th), the US studio took their approach to skirmish and siege scenarios and blended them together in a Linked Games mini-campaign that two players can engage in, whenever one decides to besiege another.
The scenarios are mostly skirmish scenarios that represent the siege itself, before the final assault. The defenders try to bring in supplies through the blockade, take out the attacker's warmachines, or send out a messenger to bring in allies. On the other hand, the attackers try to infiltrate the fortress to destroy the armories and supplies, or undermine the walls. Some scenarios can only be unlocked by winning certain missions, and all contribute to the overall state of the forces and fortress in the final assault.
Warhammer Fantasy Warbands
(click to download)Starting to collect Warhammer but don't have enough models yet to play a full-sized game?
Wish you could build up your army as you fight battles in a campaign, enlarging your forces and recruiting more conscripts and Heroes, until you command a full-sized army?
Well, Warbands allows this to happen. Your minimum unit size is reduced, and you can play faster quicker games, which still allow for all the tactical maneuvering and strategy you are used to in Warhammer Fantasy.
Additionally, Warbands features a campaign system much like Mordheim: units get depleted and novices must be recruited, units can gain experience, and Heroes develop special abilities as they grow (but can also suffer from horrible crippling injuries that will plague them for the rest of their career). Some Heroes become great strategists, others rely on trickery, and some will just be plain psychopaths.
To be included:
The General's CompendiumStorm of Magic
Triumph and Treachery
Blood in the Badlands
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