A "BasementHammer" approach to rules fixes, core scenario options and expanding the game, both for Warhammer Fantasy and Mordheim.
The Objective: enrich the Core Rules with more narrative and story, and add more options for even richer games.

This is our game, and we should strive to make it as good as we can.
See the "About" page for more details.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mordheim resources update: Settings & Narrative Campaigns

If you haven't noticed, I have been continuously updating the "Mordheim resources & supplements" page for the past months (it just doesn't show up in the posts section).

Sure you can find all these things out there on the internet, but if you just want a good browse to decide which setting to throw your gaming group into, this may be useful for you as all supplements are organized and listed, with additional advice and how to adapt it to your needs.

As of today, it now lists:
- Mordheim base rulebook
- Mordheim universal rules supplements
- Mordheim "City of the Damned" setting supplements
- Empire in Flames Campaign Setting
- Border Town Burning Narrative Campaign
- Sartosa - the Pirate Isle Campaign Setting & Campaign system
- Lustria - Cities of Gold Campaign setting
- Khemri - Land of the Dead Campaign setting

Coming soon:
- Relics of the Crusades Narrative Campaign
- Sylvania Campaign setting
- Vampire Hunters Narrative Cooperative Campaign*
- Kharak Azgal Campaign Setting
- Albion - the Misty Isle Campaign setting

*A special mention for Vampire Hunters is required, as only recently (the shame!) did I found out about it.
This a cooperative campaign where several warbands gather to defend a town from the predations of a Vampire Lord (played by a Campaign Master). Very extensive design went into this, and combines very clever boardgame elements in a very simple way.

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