A "BasementHammer" approach to rules fixes, core scenario options and expanding the game, both for Warhammer Fantasy and Mordheim.
The Objective: enrich the Core Rules with more narrative and story, and add more options for even richer games.

This is our game, and we should strive to make it as good as we can.
See the "About" page for more details.


THE ENEMY WITHIN - Mordheim Organized Events

"The Enemy Within" is a new Mordheim narrative campaign under development here at Warhammer Narratives, set in The Empire of Sigmar in the Old World. With a lot of political intrigue, bandit hunting and cultists! Cultists everywhere! 

Organized narrative events are showcases of the new campaign, and a celebration of the longevity of the cult game that is Mordheim!
Here you can find what you need to prepare for attending a Enemy Within event.

With great sadness, the first Enemy Within organized event, at NOVA Open 2020, could not go forward due to COVID-19 restrictions. I am fully on the side of the NOVA Open organizers, as it would not be safe to have such a large gathering at this time.

 I will be reaching to other conventions as soon as restrictions start to open up. It is alikely the any next event will be in Europe.
###### UNDER CONSTRUCTION ####### 

The rules packages in this page will contain all the information needed to play in 'The Enemy Within' organized events.

This page will be updated soon, please come back for more information.
There are several rules drafts for The Enemy Within elsewhere in this blog, if you are curious: https://whfbnarratives.blogspot.com/search/label/Mordheim

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