Don't you get bummed that some of your good ol' models have suddenly not been taken up in the new Allegiances and keywords? Despite the fact they have no game balance issues and fit the Allegiance perfectly?
These models all have warscrolls and rules, but... don't belong to the rest of the Allegiance :(
Well, if you feel like doing justice to GW's "this is YOUR game" policy, especially if you are a tournament or event organizer, how about throwing in a checklist of "old" models u wish players can field?
Because they should have fun with the models they own: they have rules in this edition and and are perfectly viable!
A checklist of "old" units to add into "new" Allegiances.
Each change and addition has a little checkbox, so organizers can choose which to include and not.
What do you think? Any glaring omissions or potentially game-breaking combos I'm not seeing?