A "BasementHammer" approach to rules fixes, core scenario options and expanding the game, both for Warhammer Fantasy and Mordheim.
The Objective: enrich the Core Rules with more narrative and story, and add more options for even richer games.

This is our game, and we should strive to make it as good as we can.
See the "About" page for more details.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Malign Portents in Age of Sigmar 2.0

Here I try to provide a few solutions to use the Malign Portents rules.
Both for Matched Play, or as a Ruse card for Open and Narrative play.

The Malign Portents ruleset is quite interesting, if a bit cumbersome, but if used in small bits it can be very interesting.
Depending on the army, it could complement it in a really interesting way.

It became clear, during our games, that the Realm of Death rules, as presented in the Malign Portents book, added too much complexity on top of using the Portents rules themselves, and should be used in dedicated games (as a Twist only).
Therefore, I separated the Matched Play rules, with points, to use only Interpreters and Signs.

As an alternative, because the Prophecy Points rules introduce a "finite resource" mechanic that you need to make more decisions on (on top of your spells, Command Abilities and Allegiance Abilities) here is a simpler way to use them.
A Ruse card, to use in Narrative or Open Play, that grants one of your Heroes the ability to become an interpreter and choose a Guiding Malign Portent. Then, you get continuous Signs being revealed, one at a time, but they are automatically triggered as soon as the conditions are fulfilled!
No more prophecy point allocation decisions: you just know which Sign is coming, and try to get into position to fulfill its conditions as soon as you have enough Prophecy Points. Just like trying to fulfill a prophecy!!

Hope it is helpful, and can bring back some use of these really interesting, cool and creepy rules.
And probably in a more streamlined manner.
If you try it, please leave some feedback!

Roll high and prosper!

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